Abd Alhadi Hasan

Fakeeh College for Medical Sciences , Saudi Arabia

Title: Barriers to Seek Early Psychiatric Treatment amongst First-Episode Psychosis Patients: A Qualitative Study


Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore the family members? determinant of the delay in seeking psychiatric care to patient diagnosed with psychosis. 

Methods: Qualitative semi-structured interviews were carried out with twenty-seven family members of patients with psychosis at psychiatric outpatient clinics in Amman, Jordan.

Results: The findings revealed that perceived stigma and fears about being labelled are the main barriers to requesting early psychiatric healthcare. The participants cited many different reasons linked to finding help led to delay in seeking help in the early stages of the illness including misattribution of the cause and symptoms of mental illness, family and financial factors. 

Conclusions: The study highlights the importance of enhancing knowledge about the schizophrenia-related spectrum to ensure patients seek treatment in a more timely manner.


Abd Hasan has completed his PHD at the age of 30 years from Nottingham University, UK. He is the Director of Master Program at Fakeeh College for Medical Sciences. He has over 50 publications that have been cited over 700 times, and his publication h-index is 25. He has been serving as an editorial board member of several reputed journals.