Anjali Priyadarshani

Kirori Mal College, India

Title: High time to address mental health of women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is one of the most common endocrine disorders among premenopausal women. The clinical and biochemical features are heterogeneous and there has been much debate on the pathogenesis of the disease. Besides, its physical manifestations, such as hirsutism, obesity, acne, and male pattern baldness, would make patients feel less of feminine, thereby hitting their self-esteem and negatively affecting their mental health. All this culminate in several mental health problems, including an increased risk of diagnosis of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, diminished sexual satisfaction, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorder and diminished health-related quality of life. The concern for barrenness further escalates the psychological pressure to PCOS females and results in altered feminine identity. Loss of motherhood, makes them long-term anxious and depressed. The worrisome situation makes it an important area of future research and screening for these disorders to allow early intervention is warranted. Though PCOS management has a notable emphasis on the PCOS guidelines, diagnosis, non-pharmacological, and pharmacological treatments but it becomes imperative to look for the psychological health care interventions in these young girls. 

Health professionals and doctors ought to give psycho-education on PCOS not only among normal young girls but also among sufferers. Seminars and counseling sessions regarding female reproductive health and their concerns should be a part of the education system. Though pharmacological intervention cannot be ruled out but many studies have proved that meditation, yoga and cognitive-behavioral therapy positively influences PCOS women’s anxiety and depression. Not only the society needs to be tolerant toward them but it is also essential for PCOS women to be aware of their emotional agony and timely seek ask for professional help.


Anjali Priyadarshani has completed her Ph.D in Biomedical Sciences from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi (2003-2008). She is currently Professor in Department of Zoology, Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi and has a teaching experience of more than 20 years.  She has ranked in Top 20% in Life Sciences All over India in CSIR-NET fellowship, participated in many International and National Conferences and awarded for the same. Her domain of research is reproductive biology and has many publications in International and National Journals and Book Chapters to her credit. She has organized more than 50 Workshops related to Environment and Women Health  and  strongly believes in close integration of science and society