Bhavna Harne


Title: The Effect Om mantra meditation on brain and body


To combat stress, various relaxation techniques need to be practiced, among which meditation and yoga are widely acknowledged. Mantra meditation, in particular, is simple to engage in, offering a range of mantras for practitioners to choose from. In my work, the Om mantra has been chosen for mantra meditation as a relaxation technique. The effect of Om mantra meditation on the brain with EEG analysis has been revealed by investigating the complexity of EEG signal, neural contamination after meditation using FFT based Power Spectral Density Estimation and Wavelet based Power Spectral Density Estimation. The role of Om mantra meditation in offering relaxation is confirmed through all studies. The study suggests that if such a small duration of Om meditation has such a relaxing effect then it could be used as a stress reliever if adopted as a daily routine. The findings in the present study are related to naive meditators. Thus a 30 min OM chanting serving as an introduction to meditation that provides naive meditators with the opportunity to experience the phenomenon of meditation, and then share their experiences in focus groups immediately thereafter. Thus this work explore the new way of getting relaxation.


Bhavna P Harne is working as Assistant Professor at Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication, Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Shegaon India. Her research area is EEG processing and published her work at national and international conferences and her publication h-index is 5. Her area of interest is Electromagnetic Field and Network circuits’ theory and digital signal processing