Leyla Elmahi

TIARET University, Algeria

Title: Patterns of violence and nonviolence in the middle school textbook


Through our interest in the field of research in the issues of violence in the social environment and the problems of the child and the school in particular, we try to participate in this conference with an intervention on the forms of violence and non-violence in the textbook in the curriculum of the intermediate stage, and we have chosen this phase specifically for its great importance in the formation of the individual, as it is associated with the period of adolescence and the crises that accompany it, whether social, psychological or formative, as we try to combine various visions and sociological, psychological and anthropological trends that address the problem of violence in the school environment and its relationship  With the problems of the child in Algerian society, the school is an effective educational and educational institution in society and we try to use basic research methods and techniques, through which we rely on content analysis and interviews with specialists and actors in the field of study, and this is to answer key questions, the most important of which are: What are the patterns of violence that the curriculum focuses on? What are the forms of violent behavior that are reinforced by the content of the curriculum? What is the philosophy adopted by the curriculum in establishing a culture of non-violence and acceptance of the other?
